
3 shows down, 1 more to go

now it's june 2009. that's really scary to me. that means sometime during this month i'm going to be 20. no more teenage years. no more fucking around. what a bummer! but at this point i've seen so many things just come and go right before my eyes how can i deny seeing 20 years worth of shit. i've lived every second of my life and it's been a good and bad one. anyway i never thought i would be here right now but i am so fuck it. more on my birthday later

hypergamez is a hell of a place. i sounds like something you should avoid at all costs but it ain't. well maybe it is a place you should avoid naturally but them kids from things on fire made it a punk rock home away from home and are now starting a summer concert thing. this is that kind of DIY shit i'm talking about. get a place, book some bands. pizza, drinks, games, girls, and punk rock. the mosh pits were insane! just so much flow and none of them harcore wannabes fisting each other. tatterd flag and e.v. just ripped so much and i could see them over and over again. anyway more shows there coming soon

the show @ the butthole was bitchin'! it's always kickass when rick comes to one of your shows. dustin from RFE always says "it's kind of like seeing your teacher at the grocery store" ... and it is... but rick just cracks me up so much i don't care. love rick! we'd never seen Rival Gang before anywhere and i was most impressed. really good energy and charisma! STD kind of fucked up but that's fine because we're tightening them screws before the next show. didn't see SR but that's fine because i'm fully aware that he is avoiding our band at all costs and i'm perfectly fine with that.

jon and ramon's b-day bash was fun as fuck. we we're supposed to go on first but ended up going on after e.v. and some other band that i would love to know the name of (let me know!). we were pumped about going on first (wierd) because we havn't played right before e.v. since our very first show almost an entire year ago! anyway a good amount of people who had never seen us before finally got a chance to nosy in our buisness and that's always a plus... but unfortunately the whole night made me realize how much i don't want to be "hardcore"... or at least what a lot of people i talked to think is "hardcore". so many jerk-offs. when are people going to learn that punk is about unity and not separation? i don't mind if you don't listen to very much punk rock but the least you can do is act like it instead of trying to fit in by being a hot-headed drunken dick. anyway the show was still very ...regal?... and happy late b-day jon and ramon.

the nexxt show is already on it's way. june 12th @ 1919! it's gonna be just the punx this time and none of the posers. king ivy, e.v., tatterd flag, lady k, and STD. should be real boss! then after that it's time to hit the studio... wait, what?! -adrian

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