
mothra attacks!!! gutterth won't do a thing about it!!

fuck! with all the practicing, fried chicken, and pot-smoking going on we almost forgot about our next show. scoff @ j&j's pizza- saturday, april 25th! well, our shit is gonna be fuckin badass! i'm gonna just do what i usually do and keep my mouth shut about what we're going to bring to the table because i wouldn't want to spoil anything for you. what i will say is that the gangbangas in Denton roll deep and i love all them gangstas to death. being a Dallas band and all we tend to forget about what's going on in Denton and all the shit we've been missing out on. well, not this weekend. we are gonna tear it up inside j&j's. maybe you'll wanna check out the FraHouse that day for a little of that laid-back get your day started kind of deal. but when 8:00pm hits saturday it's gonna be pizza and beer like a motherfucker! y'know gutterth is behind this and they don't like to play. i heard they're gonna give us suction cup shoes and let us play hanging from the ceiling! those crazy fucks! anyway, yeah, we're excited about j&j's. and, Denton, we actually havn't forgot about yall for a single second. we love you like some crack rocks. -adrian



  2. hey dude let me play hangin link a noose with yall

  3. we don't know hangin link a noose

  4. hey dude i jacked off to that show

  5. dude i was wondering why the mic smelled a little funny. thanks for moshing jackass
